I was attending a platform mediumship training course on the East coast when I heard their united voice for the first time.
I was nervous about standing before a large group of my colleagues and being evaluated on my ability to connect with spirits from the other side. So I meditated, as I often do, in my hotel room. And a familiar, yet unrecognizable, voice came through and clearly said:
“We like to see you succeeding in life.”
Now, please understand that I am quite used to clairaudiently hearing “foreign” voices that are not mine. But I understood that this was something entirely different from the ghosts I communicate with. I instantly sensed their higher collective energy and felt at peace.
When I asked who she was (the voice sounded female), they replied that they were “The Power of 10” and that soon I would know more. For now, I should rest.
I went on to do quite well in my evaluation, due in part to my increased confidence from listening to this brief encounter.
But I returned home, and to be honest, I kinda forgot about it.
A few weeks later, I felt what can only be described as an “urgency” to speak something, but I wasn’t sure what. Thank God my husband is open-minded! I interrupted his work to ask him to please sit with me on our couch and to allow me to go into a meditative state and record what comes out of me. I was a little scared, as I didn’t know what to expect, but I trusted my husband to guide me, and I asked my spirit guides and guardian angels to surround and protect me.
I wiped my mind chatter clean and elevated my vibration as I’m trained to do. I then imagined a large conference room where I took a seat in the back row. I don’t remember much of what happened after that, as I went into a deep, full-bodied trance.
When I “came to,” my husband had tears in his eyes and was grinning ear to ear. What transpired is included in the Recordings section of this site.
In the beginning, we had been instructed to keep this beautiful wisdom anonymous, so as to spread only the messages of peace and oneness. This isn’t about me, it’s about allowing these voices that come from a non-physical space beyond life and death to come through at a time that our world most needs them.
So please, feel free to spread the YouTube videos and the memes and powerful quotations from the "Quotes" pages on all social media.
If you appreciate what you hear and learn, please let us know! Donations are kindly accepted to help us spread these teachings to as many people as humanly possible. Thank you for your assistance in changing our perception of what is possible, and helping humanity to RISE!
Blessings & Light
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