If you've ever been to one of our "Limitless Expansion" events, you'll feel right at home, as this tested Q&A format will be very similar to our workshops and retreats.
Do you want to grow beyond what you ever thought possible? #1 Amazon Bestselling Author Michelle Paisley Reed channels Divine inspiration to your deepest questions on life…and the afterlife. Not only will you learn to manifest often and well, without getting in your own way, but you will leave feeling so high vibe that those things, relationships, and adventures you want will magnetize toward you in such a way they won't seem like miracles anymore--they will become your new normal! The more you manifest thought into form, the more you may give back so that ALL may know peace and well-being and abundance!
Isn't THAT the world you want to live in?
We have tens of thousands of followers who can testify that this manner of energized living WORKS wonders--just being in the presence of spiritual masters will raise your frequency and attune you to a different channel than the one you've been on. It's time to ramp up and amplify our collective evolution, don't you think?
Rise up with us. We are more powerful together!
All five episodes are available streaming on the Detaron Roku channel. Roku is available on most smart TV’s and if you don’t have one, a Roku can be purchased from Amazon with no subscription fees.
Stay tuned for more updates and additional distribution channels.
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